The Friends of TDJS run regular fundraising and social events for the benefit of the entire school community.
Donations raised are invested in the school to enrich the children's education and play. Recent projects wholly or part funded by the TDJS Friends have included: 4 complete class sets of chromebooks with charging trolleys, playground equipment and a library book return box. The Friends also support activities throughout the year, such as the Leavers Ball.
Please continue reading to find ways you can support them and follow them on Facebook to hear the latest news.
Registered Charity No. 1123621
Second-hand uniform
Support our environment and our school by purchasing good quality school uniform from the Friends.
Second Hand Uniform Price Guide
The uniform shop aims to provide families with an affordable and environmentally friendly way to purchase second hand uniform. Please find below a list of regularly available items along with suggested donation prices. Requests for items should be sent directly to our dedicated uniform contact, Sam on 07866 518428.
Please include the following details in your message
- Your Name
- Child’s Name
- Child’s Class
- Items requested (including sizes required and qtys of each)
Donations for items are purely discretionary, and should you wish to contribute please refer to the price guide table below. All purchases are now cashless. Donations should be made directly to:
Friends of Thames Ditton Junior School
Account: 61128655, 40-44-11
Reference: YourName2HU
- Logo Jumper - £3
- Logo Cardigan - £3
- Logo Hoodie - £4
- Grey Trousers - £2
- Grey Shorts - £2
- Navy Skirt - £2
- White Long Sleeved Shirt - 50p
- White Short Sleeved Shirt - 50p
- Tie - £2
- Blue Gingham Dress - £2
- Coloured PE Polo Shirt - 50p
- Tracksuit Trousers - £2
- PE shorts & skorts - £2
Not all items may be in stock as we are entirely dependent on donations to replenish our items. Donations of any unwanted, good condition uniform can be dropped off at the school office for the attention of Sam Williams, Second Hand Uniform. We kindly ask that all items are washed before donating.
Donate as you shop
In what has to be the easiest way to fundraise ever, retailers will donate money to the school at no cost to you while you do your normal shopping online.