Specialist Centre
TDJS has a specialist LAN (learning and additional needs) provision within the school. We have spaces for 16 children with special educational needs or disabilities within a mainstream setting. Pupils who attend our provision generally have a primary need of moderate learning difficulties and or speech and language difficulties. Children gain places by going through the annual Surrey panel which decides the best placement for a child. All children in the Centre have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP). The children are first and fore most members of a mainstream class but attend the Centre for Specialist Teaching (the Specialist Centre) in areas of need.
The purpose of the centre is to ensure that children are given the chance to reach their potential at a level suitable for their needs, develop life skills as well as gain independence.
During the morning sessions the centre operates on a three part carousel. The carousel comprises of Maths, English and Speech & language. Sensory experiences as well as speech and language principles underpin all lessons in the Centre in order to engage pupils. This helps to create memorable moments for the pupils thereby promoting speech and readiness to learn.
We have huge focus on life skills; lessons are planned so that pupils are able to gain some valuable skills that can be transferred into their everyday life, e.g. Today is Thursday and I have an appointment in two days’ time, what day will my appointment be on?
All pupils work in small groups, led by a teacher and supported by adults. The work is differentiated to support their need. Pupils may not necessarily be grouped according to age or chronological year but maturity, speech and ability to learn.
In the afternoons, the children join their mainstream classes to cover subjects such as Science, History and Geography, PE, Art, Drama and Music lessons. The children have adult support at a ratio of 2:1 and sometimes 3:1. Prior to entering the mainstream class the pupils engage in pre teaching to enable them to access the learning in the mainstream inclusion lesson. Additionally the lessons are modified to meet individual learning needs.
We also provide opportunities for the pupils to learn in a wide range of environments with support from external agencies including sport, health and culture. This is done either through visitors at school or days out.
If a child needs additional support, we have access to advice from outside agencies. Some of the outside agencies that we work with include Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and the Physical and Sensory Support Service. We also have a Speech and Language Therapist and assistant who work with us on a weekly basis.
There is also more information about Surrey's Local Offer, the online hub for 0-25 year olds with special educational needs or a disability, on their website. Please click on the website link here www.surreylocaloffer.org.uk
Admissions Policy
Applications for children seeking a place at our Specialist Centre Provision will be considered at the appropriate admissions forum and your case officer will notify you of the outcome. The provision in the specialist centre is personalised and is not available to children experiencing difficulties in the mainstream setting, although resources and expertise are shared.
Admission Criteria for the LAN unit (Specialist Centre)
The Centre can admit 16 pupils aged between Year 3 and Year 6. this equates to approximately 4 pupils in each year group and we generally take on 4 new pupils each September in Year 3. Further assessments of each pupil's needs are conducted, therefore the admission criteria are broad rather than prescriptive.
Pupils already present with:
- Globally delayed development (usually around 2 years delayed at Year 3)
- Commensurate or greater delay in language development.
- Difficulties in self-help and motor skills.
The Centre does not specifically provide for pupils with autism, although it is recognised that pupils admitted may have an impairment of social or communication skills at the mild end of the autistic continuum. The staff in the LAN unit at TDJS use strategies that are helpful to such pupils.
Some of the pupils present with medical difficulties such as epilepsy or more complex syndromes and training is accessed when appropriate to meet the medical needs of these pupils.
Prospective Parents
We are able to offer tours of our centre to prospective parents, periodically. I hope the following information helps you make a decision about the best provision for your child.
Please refer to our Key Documents page for the latest SEND policies